Volunteering Opportunity - Background

The Institute is proud of its achievements over the last decade, in particular - but these have only been possible due to the help and support of committed volunteers. We take this opportunity to thank those familiar faces for all their hard work and dedication. The IEMA consulted widely and confirmed our strategy, which is to focus on Knowledge and related Learned Society activities rather than growing the membership as an objective. Our priorities include raising awareness of the existing knowledge base, generating growth in the knowledge base and disseminating knowledge; and also helping individuals become demonstrably competent. We shall continue to collaborate proactively with similar organisations worldwide where our objectives align.

However, as our volume of activities increases we need more and more members to be active in order to make the IEMA successful. This is not only to share the increasing workload but also to incorporate as far as we can the maximum range of available opinions, knowledge, experience and information as we develop our young discipline. The IEMA, itself, is relatively young – at least compared to some of the other Learned Societies in medicine and engineering that have already celebrated at least one centenary! Many similar bodies already have stable and well-understood processes for recruiting both elected and appointed volunteers to perform various roles in their organisations. The IEMA’s Board is now developing similar processes to ensure not only that the IEMA’s Committees are properly staffed but also that willing volunteers amongst our members have a clear route to get more involved.

We Invite You

We invites you to become more involved, whether by joining one of the Standing Committees, Membership Development, Admin Associate or a Knowledge Project or joining the community of moderators and contributors to the website and Knowledge Centre. We also welcome volunteer translators as we wish to present some of the web pages and other material in multiple languages. We recognise that there is a wide range of relevant factors: how much time you can give; where you are (geography / timezone / language / knowledge / experience); whether you wish to develop your professional standing and visibility and the extent of support from your employer; the opportunities in the current and proposed activities of the Institute. Obviously there is a trade-off here or ‘chicken & egg’: do we wait for appropriate resource and then work out what projects we can do or do we define projects and seek volunteers?

Please, therefore, be tolerant of a little learning this end as we attempt to find the best matches for volunteers and aspirations with work and appointments. There is no doubt that the people who gain the most from IEMA membership are those that participate in one or more ways. This is becoming easier as we begin to find fruitful ways to network and collaborate electronically as well as physically – but we believe also that there is nothing better than mixing at IEMA events for adding great value to your knowledge and professional development.

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